High School Team
Our 9th-12th grade student athletes focus on elevated play and master the nuances of the game of lacrosse. We expect 100% commitment to practices and tournaments for team play. Our high school Katy Lady Cavaliers work together to uphold the tradition of district champions and state qualifiers!
First practice for HS begins on Saturday, October 5th at 10:00am at Cross Creek Fields.

Youth/Middle School Team
Our 5th-8th grade student athletes focus on learning strategies and plays across the game of lacrosse. We encourage our girls to work hard and play hard! Our middle school Katy Lady Cavaliers run as one to get ready for high school play.

Little Laxers Team
Our Kinder-4th grade student athletes focus on mastering the basic techniques and learning the rules of lacrosse. We encourage our girls to build teamwork and to respect good sportsmanship, laying the foundation for the next level! Most importantly, we bring the FUN!